Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Turning Internet Cafes into Classrooms

The African Virtual School turns a normal Internet Cafe into a classroom, from where learners will be able to brush up on their Maths, English and ICT. This was my explanation to a friend yesterday who wanted to know what AVS was all about.

Monday, July 20, 2009

African Virtual School on Newstime Africa

On the front page of Newstime Africa

Here is a summary of the text:

The African Vir­tual School ( offers Maths, Eng­lish and ICT courses to adult learn­ers in Africa via the Inter­net. Learn­ers only need occa­sional access to the Inter­net as the courses can either be done via Email or down­loaded and printed for use off-line.

A sec­ond key ser­vice that the African Vir­tual School offers is dig­i­tal text­books in Maths, Eng­lish and ICT for chil­dren in the age range of 11 – 13 includ­ing their teach­ers. This will be avail­able through their respec­tive Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion.

The African Vir­tual School was founded by a group of African Dias­po­rans in Lon­don as a means of con­tribut­ing key skills to learn­ers in Africa.

For more infor­ma­tion please visit our web­site:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Abiword Installation

This post will show a step-by-step installation of AbiWord, a free opensource Word Processing Application that could be used as an alternative to Microsoft office and OpenOffice.

Decimals (

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: